Pueblo County Earth Day

Pueblo County Earth Day

Join Pueblo Coun­ty for their 2024 Earth Day Cel­e­bra­tion event tak­ing place April 22nd from 10 am — 2 pm. This event will fea­ture a num­ber of sus­tain­able ven­dors to check out, deli­cious food trucks to enjoy, recy­cling col­lec­tion & card­board drop off...
The Plug It In EV Roadshow — Grand Junction

The Plug It In EV Roadshow — Grand Junction

Join CLEER and Monar­ca Group for The Plug It In EV Road­show event in Grand Junction: The Plug It In EV Road­show is a series of free fam­i­ly-friend­ly events where you can learn about elec­tric vehi­cles in a hands-on set­ting, and its first stop this year will be...
Pueblo EV Ride & Drive

Pueblo EV Ride & Drive

Pueblo & sur­round­ing com­mu­ni­ties, join us for this elec­tri­fy­ing Earth Month cel­e­bra­tion on April 13th from 1–3 pm. Have you ever want­ed to get behind the wheel of an elec­tric vehi­cle? Do you have EV ques­tions you'd like to ask to an expert?...


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 20, 2023 Con­tact: Bon­nie Trow­bridge, Dri­ve Clean Colorado | 303–519-4144   COLORADO ORGANIZATIONS CELEBRATE EARTH MONTH WITH EVS Sev­er­al Earth Day events around Col­orado will fea­ture elec­tric...