The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) was signed into law in 2021 and included a $5 billion program to provide funding to individual states looking to develop electric vehicle fast-charging infrastructure and establish networks of charging stations across the United States. This program, known as the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program, is expected to provide $57 million to Colorado over the next five years to install EV fast charging infrastructure across fuel corridors in the state.
This funding will provide more access to charging and increase the capability and feasibility of owning and traveling in an electric vehicle in Colorado and across the country. It will also bring charging to more rural and disproportionately impacted communities.
Colorado needs to submit a Statewide EV Infrastructure Plan by August 1, 2022 to be approved by the federal Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. However, pubic engagement with a variety of stakeholders is key to developing an effective and equitable plan for Colorado, so they are looking for some feedback!
You can help ensure Colorado makes the best plan for its residents by taking this short survey. This survey will be used to inform decisions regarding placement and priorities of EV fast charging stations across the state. The survey ends on July 8, 2022, so be sure to participate before the window closes.
CDOT will be hosting an online public meeting in July 2022 to discuss the key elements of the plan, and you can provide additional feedback then. Visit the NEVI website to learn more about the project and stay updated on development and stakeholder opportunities. You can also subscribe to their mailing list to receive updates.
Be a part of the movement to electrify transportation and create cleaner air in Colorado today by taking the survey today!