National Drive Electric Week Virtual EV Ride & Drive Recap

October 3, 2020

October 3rd Virtual Ride & Drive Workshop Recap

We had a great time cel­e­brat­ing Nation­al Dri­ve Elec­tric Week with the Col­orado ReCharge coach­es and local Col­orado EV dri­vers on Sat­ur­day! If you attend­ed we'd love to hear what you thought about the videos and the live Q&A session. 

Click here for the link to the video of the work­shop includ­ing the Q&A with the EV dri­vers. Below you will find the videos of the vir­tu­al Ride & Dri­ve tours giv­en by var­i­ous EV dri­vers across the state, plus con­tact info for the ReCharge coaches.

Did you hear the announce­ment about the EV Expe­ri­ence Scav­enger Hunt? Find out how you can play along and win some great prizes! And be sure to tell your friends to join in for some friend­ly competition!

Join Sum­mit Coun­ty Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Coor­di­na­tor, Michael Wurzel and his guest, Sum­mit Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­er Karn Stiegelmeier for a tour of Karn's Nis­san LEAF. Enjoy the beau­ti­ful ride through Sum­mit County's nat­ur­al beau­ty and learn about why Karn absolute­ly LOVES her LEAF! Click here for a longer ver­sion of this video.

Ride along with North­ern Col­orado Clean Cities' Amy Max­ey and her guest, Heath Blan­ton as they cruise through Fort Collins, CO in Heath's 2017 Chevy Bolt. Learn more about how the Bolt works for Heath and his grow­ing fam­i­ly in this video tour.

Enjoy a beau­ti­ful­ly scenic ride through Gar­den of the Gods with Wil­son Hitch­ings in his 2015 Tes­la Mod­el S. Wil­son is a mem­ber of the Col­orado Springs Elec­tric Vehi­cle Club and is enthu­si­as­tic about spread­ing the good word about EVs in Pikes Peak Region!

Won­der­ing if an elec­tric vehi­cles fit the lifestyle for old­er adults? Join us for a con­ver­sa­tion and tour with 4CORE's Lau­rie Dick­son and her guests, John Lyons and Gail Har­riss, both Nis­san LEAF own­ers liv­ing in Duran­go, CO.

Curi­ous about what it's like inside a Tes­la Mod­el 3? Check out this video fea­tur­ing Tes­la own­er, Bon­nie Trow­bridge and first-time Tes­la dri­ver, Gabriel­la Perkins, both of Den­ver Metro Clean Cities Coali­tion in this thrilling video through Den­ver Metro!

Join Sum­mit Coun­ty Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Coor­di­na­tor, Michael Wurzel and his guest, Tony Over­lock on this adven­tur­ous two-wheeled tour of a Sum­mit Coun­ty com­mu­ni­ty! Learn more about the excit­ing and quick­ly devel­op­ing world of elec­tric bikes in this brief video.

Take a dri­ve with Bob Ander­sen in his GEM car — a small elec­tric vehi­cle that gets him around town.

A all-elec­tric street Sweep­er? Yes! It's qui­et and quick, just like the oth­er EVs.

West­ern Slope Recharge Coach: Ste­fan Johnson 

Email Ste­fan

Den­ver Area Recharge Coach: Gabriel­la Perkins

Email Gabriel­la

South­ern Col­orado Recharge Coach: Lau­rie Dickson

Email Lau­rie

North­ern Col­orado Recharge Coach­es: Diego Lopez and Amy Max­ey

Email Diego | Email Amy

South Cen­tral ReCharge Coach: Son­ja Meintsma

(Col­orado Springs/Pueblo/Salida)

Email Son­ja

Click here to learn more about the Col­orado Ener­gy Office's ReCharge Col­orado program.

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