In 2019, the ColÂorado State LegÂisÂlaÂture passed the SenÂate Bill 19–077, which requires the state’s regÂuÂlatÂed elecÂtric utilÂiÂties, nameÂly Xcel EnerÂgy and Black Hills EnerÂgy, to develÂop TransÂportaÂtion ElecÂtriÂfiÂcaÂtion Plans (TEPs). The aim of the bill is to accelÂerÂate the tranÂsiÂtion away from fosÂsil fuels and to ushÂer in an elecÂtric transÂportaÂtion sysÂtem. TranÂsiÂtionÂing towards elecÂtricÂiÂty as a transÂportaÂtion fuel will proÂvide an opporÂtuÂniÂty to comÂbat cliÂmate change, improve air qualÂiÂty, improve nationÂal secuÂriÂty by divestÂing in fosÂsil fuels, and save conÂsumers monÂey on transÂportaÂtion and enerÂgy bills.
In ColÂorado, transÂportaÂtion emisÂsions account for 25 perÂcent of statewide emisÂsions, leadÂing to worsÂenÂing levÂels of air polÂluÂtion across the state. The ColÂorado Front Range is danÂgerÂousÂly out of attainÂment for atmosÂpherÂic Ozone levÂels and is steadiÂly getÂting worse. SwitchÂing to zero-emisÂsion vehiÂcles, includÂing elecÂtric vehiÂcles (EVs), is one of the key soluÂtions to comÂbatÂing smogÂgy skies and poor air qualÂiÂty across the state.
Xcel EnerÂgy filed their TransÂportaÂtion ElecÂtriÂfiÂcaÂtion Plan in May 2020, kickÂing off a 6‑month hearÂing process at the PubÂlic UtilÂiÂties ComÂmisÂsion (PUC). In the TEP, Xcel EnerÂgy idenÂtiÂfied three key chalÂlenges to EV expanÂsion: a) a lack of inforÂmaÂtion and awareÂness regardÂing EVs, b) high upfront costs assoÂciÂatÂed with purÂchasÂing EVs and chargÂing infraÂstrucÂture, and c) subÂopÂtiÂmal incenÂtives to EV chargÂing when it is most benÂeÂfiÂcial to the elecÂtric grid.
Under the plan, Xcel proÂposed a $102 milÂlion investÂment over 3 years in elecÂtric vehiÂcle chargÂing infraÂstrucÂture, adviÂsoÂry serÂvices for corÂpoÂrate and govÂernÂment fleets, and an EV eduÂcaÂtion and awareÂness proÂgram for cusÂtomers. About half of the total investÂment, up to $48 milÂlion will be used to build chargÂing staÂtions at comÂmerÂcial buildÂings for both employÂees and fleet EV chargÂing. AddiÂtionÂalÂly, Xcel EnerÂgy has pledged 15 perÂcent of the investÂment towards eduÂcaÂtion and supÂport for low-income customers.
The plan is dividÂed into five portÂfoÂlios: resÂiÂdenÂtial, mulÂti-unit dwellings (MUDs), comÂmerÂcial, adviÂsoÂry serÂvices, and research, innoÂvaÂtion, and partÂnerÂships (RIP).
ResÂiÂdenÂtial ProÂgrams include:
- Home wiring rebates for stanÂdard and low-income homes for LevÂel 2 chargÂers, or
- A home chargÂing serÂvice fee, which will pay off the infraÂstrucÂture in segments.
- Choice of joinÂing an optiÂmizaÂtion proÂgram, which incenÂtivizes the conÂsumer to charge their car durÂing off-peak hours, when rates are lowÂest and elecÂtricÂiÂty demand is down.
- CusÂtomers will receive an annuÂal incenÂtive for on-going parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion in optiÂmizaÂtion programs.
MulÂti-Unit Dwellings Program:
- Offers a choice between installing their own chargÂing equipÂment or selectÂing equipÂment from Xcel Energy's pre-approved list. IndiÂvidÂual EV driÂvers will then be charged the resÂiÂdenÂtial rate for enerÂgy conÂsumpÂtion bunÂdled with a cusÂtomer charge that covÂers the cost of the equipÂment and installation.
- In othÂer words, over time, EV driÂvers will be payÂing for the instalÂlaÂtion of the device in their MUD.
- Low-income rebates are availÂable to housÂing units that meet the income qualifications.
- New conÂstrucÂtion on buildÂings that exceed code requireÂments are also eliÂgiÂble for rebates.
ComÂmerÂcial propÂerÂties have mulÂtiÂple parÂticÂiÂpaÂtion programs:
- Fleets and Workplaces:
- Xcel EnerÂgy will proÂvide EVSE and the comÂmerÂcial entiÂty would pay a monthÂly fee for use of the infrastructure.
- Low income rebates are availÂable for both LevÂel 2 and fast chargÂers (DCFC) here.
- ComÂmuÂniÂty ChargÂing Hubs:
- Xcel EnerÂgy will partÂner with municÂiÂpalÂiÂties that proÂvide EVSE at lowÂer upfront costs (i.e. rebates).
- This type of proÂgram aims to facilÂiÂtate wideÂspread adopÂtion of EVs across transÂportaÂtion netÂwork comÂpaÂnies, like Lyft and Uber, local tranÂsit authorÂiÂties, and car share services.
- Xcel will also solicÂit appliÂcaÂtions for pubÂlic DCFC chargÂers 4x annuÂalÂly through a grant program.
- FinalÂly, Xcel proÂposÂes to own and operÂate their own pubÂlic chargÂing staÂtions to supÂport areas that may not be met by a comÂpetÂiÂtive marÂket, parÂticÂuÂlarÂly in low-income or rurÂal regions.
The Research, InnoÂvaÂtion, and PartÂnerÂships ProÂgram is meant to boost creÂative approachÂes to advancÂing the elecÂtriÂfiÂcaÂtion marÂket. A great examÂple of this is proÂmoÂtion of a school bus grant proÂgram for school disÂtricts throughÂout the state.
FinalÂly, AdviÂsoÂry SerÂvices will be availÂable to resÂiÂdenÂtial cusÂtomers, fleet cusÂtomers, comÂmuÂniÂties, and diverÂsiÂty-groups (includÂing access to mateÂriÂals in both EngÂlish and Spanish).
The hearÂing process to secure approval for Xcel Energy’s EV investÂments at the PubÂlic UtilÂiÂties ComÂmisÂsion is curÂrentÂly underÂway. A final deciÂsion is expectÂed in earÂly 2021.