What is Bidirectional Charging or V2G Technology?

What is Bidi­rec­tion­al Charg­ing or “V2G" Technology? The Nis­san LEAF is able to sup­port the grid by stor­ing ener­gy for lat­er use and absorb­ing demand fluctuation. What is “V2G" and how does it work? What is bidi­rec­tion­al charg­ing? What cars enable...

Ride Share Driving with a Tesla Model 3

Rideshare Dri­ving with a Tes­la Mod­el 3  Ben­jamin West­by next to his Tes­la, dressed in a Yeti suit for his Ele­men­tary School's staff Christ­mas party Rideshare dri­ving is a pop­u­lar side-hus­tle or full-time job. Dri­ving an elec­tric vehi­cle...

Become a Volunteer EV Coach

Become a Vol­un­teer EV Coach  Do you have a pas­sion for elec­tric vehi­cle edu­ca­tion, love talk­ing to peo­ple about your car and your expe­ri­ence with EVs, and want oth­ers to adopt an EV? Become a Vol­un­teer EV Coach with Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado...

How to Make the Switch to an EV Fit Your Budget

How to Make the Switch to an EV Fit Your Budget Sarah Clark and her Nis­san LEAF Switch­ing to an elec­tric vehi­cle doesn’t have to be out of your bud­get. Sarah Clark, Charge Ahead Col­orado Pro­gram Coor­di­na­tor at the Region­al Air Qual­i­ty Coun­cil, felt...