How to Make the Switch to an EV Fit Your Budget
SwitchÂing to an elecÂtric vehiÂcle doesn’t have to be out of your budÂget. Sarah Clark, Charge Ahead ColÂorado ProÂgram CoorÂdiÂnaÂtor at the RegionÂal Air QualÂiÂty CounÂcil, felt the urgency to take perÂsonÂal action against cliÂmate change and wantÂed to reduce her carÂbon footÂprint by switchÂing to a vehiÂcle with zero tailpipe emisÂsions. After conÂsidÂerÂing an EV for two years, she finalÂly decidÂed that 2021 would be the year to make the switch, and began her jourÂney to find the right car for her.
Sarah, like many prospecÂtive EV buyÂers, startÂed lookÂing at new EV modÂels but decidÂed to direct her search towards used EVs instead. Even with fedÂerÂal and state tax credÂits, many new modÂels endÂed up costÂing more than a used car. In addiÂtion, Sarah wantÂed to find a used modÂel withÂin her budÂget that had the range and feaÂtures she was lookÂing for. To gain more knowlÂedge about EVs, she test drove a MusÂtang Mach‑E and a NisÂsan LEAF, disÂpelling her priÂor perÂcepÂtions that EVs were slow and ratÂtly — they were quite litÂerÂalÂly the oppoÂsite! She also learned about how easy chargÂing realÂly was by testÂing it out at the dealerships.
Sarah moved her search to Craigslist and found a 2018 NisÂsan LEAF that brought togethÂer her three most imporÂtant criÂteÂria: budÂget, style, and range. With low mileage and a 10-year batÂtery warÂranÂty, it was a low-risk purÂchase that satÂisÂfied her urge to do good for the enviÂronÂment. She’s used her car mainÂly for errands and shortÂer out-of-town driÂves, nevÂer havÂing come close to the 140-mile range limÂit. While Sarah has used PlugShare to locate chargÂing staÂtions, she mainÂly relies on LevÂel 2 chargÂing at home. A used elecÂtric vehiÂcle was the perÂfect car for Sarah and with many elecÂtric vehiÂcles hitÂting the used marÂket on a variÂety of car sellÂing sites and platÂforms, it’s easÂiÂer to find the right vehiÂcle for your lifestyle than ever before.