How to Install a Level 2 Charger
StuÂart CumÂmings, a ColÂorado EV ownÂer, shared some tips with us about installing a LevÂel 2 chargÂer in your home. While StuÂart has also installed a LevÂel 2 chargÂer on his own, we’ll be covÂerÂing the basics of how to install a chargÂer with the help of an electrician.
Please refÂerÂence this guide for more inforÂmaÂtion on decidÂing between your need for a LevÂel 1 or LevÂel 2 charger.
Step 1: Know Your Car
FirstÂly, you’ll need to deterÂmine how much powÂer your car pulls or draws, in watts. This may depend on how many hours of charge you need, how big your car’s batÂtery is, and if you’ll be upgradÂing to an elecÂtric car that may need more amperÂage in the future. This numÂber will deterÂmine the size of the cirÂcuit breakÂer panÂel you’ll need to charge your car.
Step 2: Pick Your Charger
SecÂondÂly, you’ll need to choose what chargÂer to buy based on the powÂer your car needs, as deterÂmined from Step 1. StuÂart recÂomÂmends conÂnectÂing with the EV comÂmuÂniÂty to find a chargÂer that suits your needs. Ask your neighÂbors, friends, felÂlow EV ownÂers, or talk to a coach who can help. You can also take a look at the list of LevÂel 2 chargÂer manÂuÂfacÂturÂers we have on our webÂsite. Then, read reviews and comÂpare prices and sizes. Make sure to do some research because each chargÂer may have its own speÂcial feaÂtures, such as setÂtings to allow you to de-rate the chargÂer if it doesn’t need the full rate of powÂer or built-in cord hangÂers. StuÂart has a Bosch and EVo chargÂer, both of which have difÂferÂent features.
You’ll also need to decide where to place your chargÂer dependÂing on where the vehicle’s chargÂer port is locatÂed. Do you want it at the front of your garage or the back? PlacÂing it closÂest to the garage door may be helpÂful to enable chargÂing inside and outÂdoors. If you don’t want to worÂry about placeÂment or conÂfigÂuÂraÂtion, conÂsidÂer purÂchasÂing a longer chargÂing cord that will reach the chargÂing port no matÂter how you park. If you preÂfer chargÂing outÂside, there’s no need to worÂry about chargÂing in the rain or snow. Every elecÂtric car has a safeÂty delay once it starts getÂting powÂer and when you pick up the chargÂer, the voltÂage is so minusÂcule and doesn’t even get passed into the car until it plugs in, so there is no risk of elecÂtroÂcuÂtion. More about chargÂing in the rain here.
Step 3: Find an Electrician
Once you have your chargÂer, you can start lookÂing for an elecÂtriÂcian. SimÂiÂlarÂly to the chargÂer selecÂtion process, it’s a good idea to speak with friends, neighÂbors, EV ownÂers, or a coach to get a recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtion. Ask the elecÂtriÂcian for a cost and time estiÂmate to install the chargÂer. MonÂey-savÂing tip: If you live in a high-priced area, look outÂside your city for elecÂtriÂcians that may have lowÂer rates!
Step 4: Take Advantage of Tax Incentives
Don’t forÂget about the FedÂerÂal Alt-Fuel InfraÂstrucÂture (ChargÂer) Tax CredÂit! You can get $1000 for the purÂchase and instalÂlaÂtion of a LevÂel 2 chargÂer (limÂiÂtaÂtions apply). For more inforÂmaÂtion, refÂerÂence the AlterÂnaÂtive Fuels Data cenÂter site.
Learn more about LevÂel 2 ChargÂing and conÂtact StuÂart CumÂmings at if you’d like to learn more about his chargÂing expeÂriÂence. In addiÂtion, our coachÂes can proÂvide free guidance.