Top 5 reasons to drive an EV in Colorado

1. Incentives!

$5,000 tax incen­tive on ALL new EVs in Col­orado in addi­tion to the Fed­er­al tax cred­it avail­able on many mod­els (up to $7,500)!

2. It's fun!

Dri­ving an EV is qui­et, fast, and FUN. Once you go elec­tric, you won't want to go back!

3. No tailpipe emissions!

Feel good about dri­ving a car that is friend­lier to the envi­ron­ment than your gas car.

4. Save time! 

Have a ful­ly charged car from home! No more stand­ing in the wind or snow wait­ing at the gas pump.

5. Save $$$

Spend less on fuel and main­te­nance every year – it real­ly adds up. No more oil changes! 


Unbiased information about EVs, by Coloradans, for Coloradans.

EVs pro­duce less harm­ful pol­lu­tion than gaso­line and diesel vehi­cles and will con­tin­ue to grow clean­er as our pow­er sources become clean­er. On top of that, EVs are afford­able and con­ve­nient, not to men­tion fun! Take a look around this site and you’ll see what we mean.

Dri­ve Elec­tric Col­orado exists to pro­vide you – indi­vid­ual con­sumers – with infor­ma­tion and facts about elec­tric vehi­cles. Our team of expert coach­es in Col­orado look for­ward to help­ing you on your jour­ney to dri­ving elec­tric, Colorado!

Plug in here:

Discovering EVs

Learn more about what it’s like to dri­ve an EV in Colorado

Ready to Drive

Find out what vehi­cles are avail­able and what incen­tives exist in Colorado

Talk with an Expert

Our coach­es are real peo­ple who have answers to your ques­tions about EVs

Tax Credits

Don't miss out on fed­er­al and state EV tax credits 

Utility Rebates

Check if your util­i­ty offers addi­tion­al EV incentives 


Attend an EV-event like a show­case or ride and dri­ve to learn more

Ready to buy?

Check out great deals on EVs from these dealers.



Take the pledge to make your next car electric!

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